• BARDULA - Spacetime - 2
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Light, energy, matter at a given moment.
Light that remains perceptible after it has dissipated, testimony to the existence of matter after its disappearance.
Relativity of matter and light. Momentary reflection of a light within this metallic matter.
Solar light on which the existence of matter depends, allowing ultra-sensitive retinal perception of photons and identification to an infinitesimal degree of nuances of moving colour.
Fleeting appropriation of matter, desire to preserve its existence and that of the immediate environment which defines it.
Setting matter in contrast to time in order to retain it, to give it meaning beyond the insignificance of the moment. Constructing in order to counter the inevitable deconstruction and to contain, briefly, the entropy which transcends us.
Mathematical schematization of space and orthogonal geometric interaction: lines engendered by points, planes by lines; two dimensions morphing into a third, to create a structure that evolves in the fourth, with the passage of time.
Interdependence of energy, light and matter within the internal construction’s development: segmentation of aluminium structural planes by quantum light, laser. LED light becoming amplifying matter, creating the volumes of this structure.
Immobilisation of movement, stabilisation of the structure’s planes and volumes by gravity and magnetisation: some elements rest against each other in equilibrium, owing to the attraction of masses; others are held together by magnetic fields.
Electromagnetic waves, manifestations of light, link presence of matter and variation of the reference frame to the curvature of space-time.